When it comes to eye care, most people are familiar with the role of an optometrist. However, there is another important professional that plays a key role in ensuring your vision is at its best: the dispensing optician.

While optometrists are responsible for carrying out eye exams and diagnosing any conditions or issues with your eyesight, dispensing opticians are experts in helping you choose and fit the right eyewear to correct these issues.

Dispensing opticians work closely with optometrists to ensure that patients receive the best possible care for their eyes. They can help you select frames and lenses that not only meet your prescription needs but also suit your personal style and preferences.

In addition to providing expert advice on eyewear selection, dispensing opticians can also carry out adjustments and repairs to ensure that your glasses fit properly and comfortably. This is especially important for those who wear glasses on a daily basis, as poorly fitting eyewear can cause discomfort and even contribute to headaches or other issues.

Moreover, dispensing opticians can offer guidance on how to properly care for your glasses or contact lenses, which can extend their lifespan and keep them functioning at their best.

Overall, while seeing an optometrist is crucial for maintaining healthy eyesight, it’s equally important to seek out the expertise of a dispensing optician when selecting eyewear. By working together, these professionals can ensure that you receive comprehensive eye care that meets all of your needs.

To learn more about the Dispensing Optician role, read our blog post.

To learn more about Optometry, visit The College of Optometrists website.