What would your direct reports say about you?
If you’ve line managed employees before, this is where you can give an example of what you did well. You could also include when you learned and improved based on their feedback to showcase your skills.
What would your direct reports say about you?
If you’ve line managed employees before, this is where you can give an example of what you did well. You could also include when you learned and improved based on their feedback to showcase your skills.
Are you a leader or a follower?
Most people are a combination of both, so it’s likely that you’re both. This will show that you can follow instructions well when needed but that you’ll also be ready to take the initiative to push for promotion.
What are some of your leadership experiences?
You don’t need to have had a management role previously to answer this question. If you haven’t managed people before, you can think of a time that you worked in a team but took on a leadership role. This will show that you’re not always the quiet one and that you can step into a leadership position.
How would you fire someone?
A company will ask this question wanting you to go beyond the basic company policy. They would want to know the steps you would take prior to firing someone, anything you would do to see if it could be avoided and, if unavoidable, how you would handle the situation.