As an Optical Assistant working in a busy optician, one of the most common questions that you may receive from patients is “What glasses best suit my face?” It’s a great question and one that can be challenging to answer. But with the right approach and some basic knowledge, you can help your patients find a frame that not only meets their prescription needs but also complements their facial features.
Here are some tips to help your patients answer the question ‘how to choose best eyeglass frames’:
Determine Face Shape
The first step is to determine your patient’s face shape. There are six primary face shapes: round, square, oval, heart, diamond and oblong. Once you have identified the patient’s face shape, it becomes easier to recommend frames that suit their facial features.
Consider Skin Tone and frame
Another factor to consider when choosing frames is skin tone. Skin tones can be categorized as cool or warm. Cool skin tones have blue or pink undertones while warm skin tones have yellow or golden undertones. Frames should complement the skin tone of the individual wearing them.
Look at Eye Position
When selecting frames for your patient, it’s essential to consider eye position. The eyes should be centred within the frame. If they’re too high or low within the glasses, it can make the wearer look unbalanced.
Take into Account Hair Colour and Style
Hair colour and style are also important factors in choosing frames that suit an individual’s face shape and features. For example, if someone has short hair or wears their hair up frequently, it may be beneficial to select thinner framed glasses that don’t overpower their facial features.
Take into account the type of lenses
Sometimes patients might want frames that won’t work with the lenses they’ve been prescribed. The best way to work around this is today recommend the best frames for varifocals or the best frames for thick glasses. This means that you’re recommending frames that tick all their boxes.
Don’t Forget Personal Style
Last but not least, personal style plays a significant role in selecting frames for your patients. Some individuals prefer bold statement pieces while others prefer more subtle styles that blend in with their overall appearance.
By taking all these factors into account when helping patients choose glasses frames, you’ll be able to provide personalized recommendations tailored specifically to each individual’s unique needs and preferences and always know the answer to ‘what glasses best fit my face?’.
In summary, helping patients find a frame that suits their face requires consideration of several factors such as determining face shape, considering skin tone and eye position as well as taking into account hair colour/style and personal style preferences. By following these tips as an Optical Assistant working in a busy optician practice you can provide excellent service whilst ensuring customers feel confident about finding a new pair of glasses that they will love!