It’s always tricky to know how to hand in your notice, even if you’ve moved jobs previously. When leaving a company, don’t burn bridges or leave under a cloud. Maintaining a positive relationship with previous employers could help you in the long run. In this post, we’ll cover how to leave while maintaining your positive relationship.

Think it through

Before making the choice to hand in your notice, make sure that you’ve thought it through and that you’re happy with the decision you’re making. If you’ve had a bad day, think about whether you’re reacting to this or if you actually want to leave. Handing in your notice without a job to go to could make your situation worse and cause you more stress in the long run.

However, if you’ve been actively interviewing and you’re given an offer letter and start date with a new company, then you should be prepared to hand your notice in.

Handing in your notice

Now you’ve made the decision to leave, you need to think about how to hand your notice in.

You need to think about how to hand your notice in

Writing your letter of resignation

Your resignation should be a formal letter, of any length. Usually, they’re only short letters that include all the information an employer needs to know. Keep in mind that you will want to maintain a positive relationship with the company moving forward so while it’s a short letter, it needs to be more than ‘I’m leaving, bye’.

Here is our guide to writing your letter of resignation:

Start by addressing your boss

Whoever you report into, make sure the letter is addressed to them. You can follow this with the job title of the position your resigning from and your expected leave date. If you’re not sure what date you’re due to leave, you can state a date and ask the to confirm this.

Thank your manager

It’s always nice to thank your manager and the company for any opportunities they’ve provided. It’s good to do this as you want a good reference and you might one day want to return so you don’t want to leave on a negative note.

Sign off

You can finish your letter by offering to make your departure as smooth as possible for everyone. You might want to mention creating a handover or upskilling current staff to support and cause as much disruption as possible.

Writing your resignation letter is actually quite an easy task, once you know what to include. The challenge can come when it’s time to hand the letter in. For advice on this, click here.